Custom Search

Saturday, May 1, 2010

2 ''MUST HAVES'' for a Successful Blogger

First, You must have a Credit Card or PayPal, in order for you to rent a Custom domain name for your blogs. In my case i rented a domain name at htttp:// for my first blog, which only cost me $10.00 for 1 year using my VISA credit card through Google checkout.

Second, You must have an international Bank account to avail the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). The most convenient Google adsense payment method - your earnings will be deposited directly to your bank account with no charge. Unlike the other 2 payment method wherein you will be charged by the delivery of your payments. I  recommend to apply for an online banking, so you can easily check your bank account over the net. Just like in my case, I can easily access my BNZ bank account by just entering my access number and password, thus enables you to easily monitor the deposits made by Google through Google adsense.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Monetize your Blog

Aside from the fact that blogging allows us to express ourselves, manifest our passion in writing and serves as an outlet to our cravings in writing whether base on our personal life, advocacies, interests and skills. Earning dollars should be considered as one of our primary objective in blogging, not just only to compensate the time we spent in front of the computer, the hardwork and energy spend in writing for contents, but let's face the reality that we belong to a monetary world and we need to feed ourselves, buy our needs, help our family  and other people through monetary means.  Monetary consideration should be one of our goals in blogging, so I highly recommend to monetize your blog to earn a living out from your hobby and later the possibility of becoming your career with unlimited possibilities or  start a career right now in blogging and become one of the highest dollar earning blogger someday. 

My Top Secret!!!

I have shared some of my personal ideas related to blogging which i have learned through my  blogging experiences, like procedures, methods, some secrets and most especially my ''ups,'' but there can be a one top secret that i cannot divulge, which serves as a vital key to my accomplishments within a short period of time and believed to accomplish more with my blogging career.  Just like any business wherein they cannot fully divulge everything, especially with businesses in the food industry. They may share some of the ingredients of their delicacies or food products, but there will always be a secret ingredient that makes  their product so delicious and stand out from their competiting products, eg pizza, halo halo, ice cream.  There can always be a secret ingredient for every food products which the manufacturers will always opt to remain confidential. These secret ingredients are considered to be the key to a successful business.  Same thing with blogging as a career, I personally have a  secret element that i consider to be the x factor to stand out from the rest, which i cannot share it to you guys. But i assure you that as you go along with your blogging career, you will definitely discover my top secret, as long as you remain hardworking, patient, keen observer & stay clever regardless of your status in blogging.
And i must say that in blogging, experience is still the best teacher, we may have read so many articles about blogging but experience remains the most effective teacher. Indeed, most of my blogging discoveries, techniques and strategies are coming from my own personal experience.    

Friday, April 16, 2010

My experince with google: ''fantastic''

At first, being really really a newbie in blogging (but i am not saying that I'm not a newbie now, not knowing, how long or when can a blogger be considered not a newbie anymore, having just started blogging last February (not 2009) but just this last week of February 2010). Well, enough of the newbie issue, anyway that doesn't matter, what matters is, how much you've accomplished or earn since day one. Going back to where i started, Yeah, at first, I wasn't expecting too much from google, basta, all i deed was just to do my best as a newbie, but to my surprise, Google responded effeciently with all the necessary actions and request i made to this giant company. They approved my godaddy domain name purchase for my first blog right away through google checkout and when i tried to check my domain name, it took effect just a few minutes after my purchased was approved, my google adsense application was approved with in 4 days and my google afilliate marketing application was approved within a day. Google makes me feel that they are really considering me with high regards and to them I am special. Thanks to google for considering me as one of your fortunate publishers in that said manner. Apart from my love ones who inspires me to write, Google really made more inspired to publish more unique and original contents for them. Though I am still a newbie but as early as now, I am really impressed with google. Keep it up, I love you GOOGLE!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The blogger’s World: “A Biodiversity’’

It’s the modern technology and the internet opens the door for bloggers like me.  Doing almost all the usual routines or ‘must dos’ of a blogger, I got the chance to get acquainted and familiarize with the blogger’s life, and what I noticed about the bloggers world, It consist of several components and factors, which a blogger needs to handle, deal and most of all to ‘co-exist’ with all of these.  You have the blog networks, which rely on the bloggers as the main visitor and market of their sites and you have the bloggers who also rely on blog networks and other traffic builders like the Social Networking Sites and co-bloggers as well, as they support each others blog. Vice versa! So, there is really the “give and take” mechanism going on over here. The Bloggers’ World lives and continue to prosper because of all the components and factors I have mentioned. And I thinkt, they can’t live without the other, therefore you must learn how to co- exist and how to tame the bloggers community, in order to create a name for yourself and be successful within the bloggers’ world, because if you succeed in the bloggers’ world, you also can be a successful blogger, as an individual as well. 

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Earn dollars at home through blogging!

You are the boss of yourself. No need to wake up early, you blog at your own time. Your blog is open 24/7 even if you are watching TV, having a good time and even sleeping, so you really have unlimited income potentials and the best part is you earn dollars!!!

Basics: How to drive traffic?

1.Register your blog to blog networks such as Technorati, Mybloglog, Blog Catalog, Bloggers and so many others. Once your blog is registered to these blog networks, that means your blog is included in their list of blogs, in that way, it is much easier for possible traffic to view your blog, by just clicking your blog link on your blog network profile.

2. Through Social Networking Sites (SNS), like Facebook, Friendster, Myspace, Multiply, Twitter and so many others, by creating an account to these Social Netwaorking Sites, then you have to broaden (multiply) your Social network communities to drive more possible viewers to your blog, you can also send messages to your friends in SNS and leave links to your blog.

Blogging: ''how i started?''

I have been hearing about making money through blogging for the past four years, but questions ''Is it really true or just a trick?, how can making money be possible?, can i reall y make it?, can I be a successful blogger?, how do i start blogging?'' so many questions running in my mind and my innocence about blogging stops me from trying, as doubt seems to rule my mind at that time, so I haven't tried then, not until last February.
It all started in a casual talk with a friend, just over the phone. Well' that time i was sharing to her some tips on mobile phone, which i have learned from my own phone, and she told me '' I'm sure there are a lot mobile phone users who have encountered or may encounter, the same same experiences with yours. so, why don't you share it with them to help them go about their mobile phone and most of all, to prevent them from frustrations in dealing with their own gadgets, which i did go through in the past. But i replied, how can i?, so she told me, why don't you put up a blog for you to share it with other people. Through her encouragement and my passion to share lights up my interest to learn ''What's a blog?, How to blog? Because we, both have no idea about it. So, from that fateful casual talk, my blogging career started.

My interest wakes up: so what i did was..

i searched about blogging the following day, and i fused it with money making (what i've heard for the last 4 years), so i come up with a question in my mind ''how to make a blog that earns money?'' I type the exact question in google search and good thing, i found answers to my questions. So, from that certain site, i followed step by step guide on how to create a blog.

Step 1. I created a google account

Step 2. I did go to, then click create a blog and I fill up the form.

Step 3. I Set up my blog, assign an available domain name for my blog eg. www.quicktips4tech for custom domain. and then I publish it, I post enough contents for my blog and furnish my blog with the necessary gadgets or widgets

then my blog was ready!

Niche blogging

A type of blogging, wherein you have a selected description or topic of your blog based on your skills, inclination and interest. A blog deals a certain topic, which you are knowledgeable with and can run that blog without changing topics, way out from the description or selected topic you chose when you started your blog. In other words, a certain topic that you can sustain and stick with it all the time, eg. gadgets, so you deal with gadgets all the time. Niche blogging is so advantageous when applying for google adsense and in earning dollars, compared to a blog, which jumps from a certain topic to different topics. So, if you go blogging to earn dollars, make sure you create a niche blog.

Blogging Platform: ''Blogger''

There are several platform to chose from, like wordpress, typepad, etc., but the easiest and practical blogging platform to make money with, is the blogger platform, which i am currently using with my blogs. This platform is owned by google, same thing with adsense, so blogger platform has connection to adsense - the advertising component of blogging. That makes it even more advantageous to use blogger in making money. Aside from that, blogger is easy to set up and no need for you to rent for a web host to integrate adsense with your blog. You only need a domain name and your blog is ready!

Domain name

When you create a niche blog, having a custom domain name is such an edge, because instead of having a domain name like this, you will have Thus, it makes your blog domain name looks like a pro site, though you are just a newbie in blogging. It adds up the marketability of your blog. You can have your own custom domain name by purchasing a domain name. Eg.

Quick tips for a dollar earning blog

1. You must have a unique and original content for your blog. 2. Niche blogging is recommended. 3. You must have an approved google adsense account to earn dollar from your blog. 4. Aside from google adsense, you must have an approved afilliate marketing to earn additional dollars 5. Drive traffic to your blog, more viewers more possibilities in earning more dollars

Google adsense

It is a google advertising component, which allows blogger to display google ads links,text and image (known as ''adsense for content'') in their own blog or blogs to earn dollars. And now google expanded the opportunities in making money by adding google adsense for search, for feeds and for domain. But the most effective way in earning dollars is the adsense for content. The adsense for content will be displaying google ads' links, texts and images depending on what country your viewer comes from, eg. When the viwer of your blog comes from the US, then it will only display US based products and if the viewer comes from India, then it will only display India based products, thus making the google ads more relevant to the viewer, it varies from country to country, and you will be earning dollars per click of the google ads displayed on your blog. Need not for those products to be sold. Adsense for seach can earn you dollars by putting these custom search gadget into your blog and through it's link you can earn. Adsense for feeds can earn you dollars through subscription to your blog feeds, it is made possible by feedburner. Adsense for domain can earn you money, if you have an idle or parked domain and apply that domain for adsense for domain, then make the necessary changes with domain's DNS settings, then your domain will show ads and links instead of the usual content, so with those links and ads, you can earn dollars from it. Google adsense makes money making a lot more easier for bloggers, so apply for google adsense account now.

Quick tips for google adsense approval

Google adsense application will only be approved if your blog has complied with their standards. So, here's what i did with my blog before applying for adsense: 1.I put enough unique and original contents 2. Furnished with the necessary gadgets/ in the page element tab 3.Promoted my blog by driving more traffic. Indeed i drove traffic, which reach to more than a thousand in just a week, from the time i officially launched my blog. At that time, i felt so confident about my blog, so the following week i submitted my application for google adsense and within just a few days after they reviewed my site, my application was approved and i already have a Publisher ID. Upon the approval, i was so happy that i am officially a google adsense Publisher. Enabling me to display google ads on my blog and make money out of it. So, that's what i simply did for my google adsense account application to be approved. So what are you waiting for? You too can do it!

Google adsense Requirement for payments

NOTE: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is the most convenient and easiest method to choose. This is for EFT method of payment.

1. Submit Tax Information - this is for US base bloggers and web hosting owners,but if you are not, just like me. You just have to to continue and type your Full name, testifying that you are a certified non US base blogger and the IP address of your computer will be recorded upon submission.

2.Bank account

Bank and branch number:

Account number:

Account suffix:

Upon submission of your bank details, adsense will deposit a small amount to your bank within the next 4- 6 days to verify if your bank details are correct.

3.PIN Number

The PIN Number will be send to the address of the payee of your your google adsense account within 3- 6 weeks to verify if the address of the payee is correct.

Google afilliate marketing

Aside from google adsense, you can also apply for google afilliate marketing for added dollar earning possibilities. You just have to go to google afilliate marketing and apply for it. In my case, it only takes a day for my application to be approved. Once your application is approved, you will have your own afilliate marketing account and from your own account, there are many companies afilliated to google, which you can choose from. Of course, you have to choose the company with products that has something to do with your niche blog. And when you are already an afilliate marketer of products from the companies you have chosen, you can now display their ads (banner, image, texts and links) into your blog. Just get their ads link codes and copy paste it into a particular place of your blog, where you want to appear.

Stat counter: ''track how many viewers''

Go to and create an account by filling up their form and after you have created your account, you can choose a code provided by stat counter to copy paste into your your blog's HTML gadget and save it. Then, stat counter starts tracking how many viewers your blog has, you can even see it within your blog's stat counter gadget, if you chose the visible code.

The truth behind bloggers' success!

Unique, original and interesting content of a blog is the main key to success. The strategy and methods on effective trafficking is the right path to success.

Those kind of contents will gain followers and can make your blog worth viewing/reading, and can even gain regular visitiors on your blog. Maybe you can have lots of visitors in a day, but to make them a regular visitors really rely on what kind of content does your blog has, so make sure your blog content will really drive visitor's interest and for possible viewers in the future. And coming up with an effective strategy or method in driving lots of traffic to your blog is so essential in blogging, in that way, your blog will gain so much exposure and be well promoted. Just like any other business or movies, you need to have an effective promotional strategies or methods in order to boast it's marketability.

Me and my blogs

When i finally recieved the email from google adsense (an email i've been aching to recieve) stating that my adsense application has been approved. I log in to my new approved adsense account with eagerness and integrated adsense to my first blog right away. It took only 10 minutes or even less for google ads to appear on my blog and within that same day, I am already earning dollars. Thus, by the quick turn of events, I have proven for myself that blogging really earns dollar and ''it's really for real!'' I am really convinced with blogger and google adsense at that time alone. And It really inspires me more to write more unique and original contents for my blog and i even created more blog to earn additional dollars to my account. Currently, I already have 3 blogs and has no plans yet to stop creating more blogs. With the developments of my blogs and the way I am earning dollars right now. There's only one thing in my mind ''Blogging is really a proven and tested way to earn dollars.''

Want to earn dollars online or even if you aren't? (your blog is open 24/7) Go blogging now!