At first, being really really a newbie in blogging (but i am not saying that I'm not a newbie now, not knowing, how long or when can a blogger be considered not a newbie anymore, having just started blogging last February (not 2009) but just this last week of February 2010). Well, enough of the newbie issue, anyway that doesn't matter, what matters is, how much you've accomplished or earn since day one. Going back to where i started, Yeah, at first, I wasn't expecting too much from google, basta, all i deed was just to do my best as a newbie, but to my surprise, Google responded effeciently with all the necessary actions and request i made to this giant company. They approved my godaddy domain name purchase for my first blog http://www.quicktips4tech.com right away through google checkout and when i tried to check my domain name, it took effect just a few minutes after my purchased was approved, my google adsense application was approved with in 4 days and my google afilliate marketing application was approved within a day. Google makes me feel that they are really considering me with high regards and to them I am special. Thanks to google for considering me as one of your fortunate publishers in that said manner. Apart from my love ones who inspires me to write, Google really made more inspired to publish more unique and original contents for them. Though I am still a newbie but as early as now, I am really impressed with google. Keep it up, I love you GOOGLE!
I agree with you completely, google is awsome. If it isn't the earning money to blog, it is all the other free things that they have to offer. Openoffice is just one example of so much. The ease and enjoyment of blogging is just as great.