First, You must have a Credit Card or PayPal, in order for you to rent a Custom domain name for your blogs. In my case i rented a domain name at htttp://www.Godaddy.com for my first blog
http://www.quicktips4tech.com, which only cost me $10.00 for 1 year using my VISA credit card through Google checkout.

Second, You must have an international Bank account to avail the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). The most convenient Google adsense payment method - your earnings will be deposited directly to your bank account with no charge. Unlike the other 2 payment method wherein you will be charged by the delivery of your payments. I recommend to apply for an online banking, so you can easily check your bank account over the net. Just like in my case, I can easily access my BNZ bank account by just entering my access number and password, thus enables you to easily monitor the deposits made by Google through Google adsense.